Wednesday, November 02, 2011
The Call of Broadway
During our visit to Kauai for the KBDC 7th Anniversary Ball, Lani and I got to make small talk with Wes Numazu about the upcoming "Neon Lights", Divino Ritmo Dance 3rd Annual Grand Ball and Showcase. He mentioned that he and Professional Yanna Samkova will be performing the Jive exhibition that they did for the Bantay Bata Showcase a few months ago. So guys and gals, if you missed this delightful performance featuring a shy but not too elderly senior dancing with a professional dance teacher, here's your chance to see a repeat performance on December 3 at the Sheraton Waikiki.
We got to rub elbows with all the Honolulu dancers at our table at the KBDC Ball. There were 36 dancers and friends from the "Big City" in attendance at that Ball. And the KBDC was very appreciative of our numbers attending and the showcase dancers from Dance Magic 808.
Divino Ritmo Dance have always put on a good show for other dance organizations, too. Last year's annual showcase was a smash-hit and early this year "The Westside Story" was very entertaining and a successful production. This year's "The Call of Broadway" has an inviting pitch that it's a sure bet it will be colorful, very entertaining, and thrilling to the max.
(Left click on photo to zoom in then click on "original" for a close-up).