Lani and I just got back from Las Vegas and I gotta tell you...people don't sleep in that town. Not since my college days cramming for the next day's exam in the wee hours of the night and early morning that I saw people.. a whole bunch...are in the streets, in the hotels at the game tables and machines, and in cars way pass the midnight gong. We stayed in downtown at the California Hotel and there were lots to see, especially at the Fremont Street Experience.

GOGO Dancers on the large screen above and Hip Hoppers dancing near the stage. They got the largest video screen about 60 feet high overhead that stretches for three long city blocks with a terrific Video Light Show goin' on every hour from 8 at night.

Three stages of musical talent provided the entertainment and never ending music to hype the crowd into dancing.

Even got my main squeeze Lani to dance the Electric Slide with some of the crowd. Got me in a spell, too, another night. Didn't think it could be done, but Gail Kawahakui and I got spellbound and danced the Salsa Merengue to Hip Hop music.

It must've been Western Night at the other side of the Street 'cause guys and gals in western garb were dancing some kind of cowboy swing.

And some distance down the Street Salsa dancers were cutting some great moves.

A lot of big screen impersonators, and Marvel SuperHeroes roamed the Street. Of course the "King of Pop" was a big attraction for Lani and Gayle.

Reggie and I got a take with a "Marilyn Monroe" but I think she got tickled and we all moved out of focus. AUWE! I think what drew the biggest attraction was a gal with boobs that could choke an elephant.
One night, Richard and Lynn Nakamura took Lani and me, and Robert and Vanelle out to the Strip for a joy ride. Again more people in the streets, in the hotels at the game tables and machines, and in cars. People are all over the place...must be the drinking water that's keeping them bright eyed and bushy tail. Kalumongai soup used to do that to me when I was growing up on the plantation. Now don't go looking for that popular Filipino greens at the nearest supermarket 'cause you not goin' find any there. You can only find those greens in the backyard of a Filipino family house. But with a big Rothwieler roaming the yard, bettah stick to the drinking water.

Richard and Lynn took us to Ceasar's Palace and the Bellagio. Richard, Robert and I kinda hammed it with the replica of boxing great Joe Louis just for fun.

Lani and I never walked so much since treking the Great Wall of China back in 2001. Even in China, people never sleep. Must be the drinking water, again. Anyway, we went further away from the Strip to a hotel with the funny name, "M". Herbert Omizo told me about the place and how far away from town it was...no walking distance fo' sure. Lani and I were in Vegas since Tuesday and never so much as got the temptation to participate in the sporting game of gambling at least not until we got to "M" Hotel on Wednesday night. Yeah! Lani and I got our first lesson on the "One Arm Bandit". But it was no longer the "One Arm". Everything was "push da button", now, and see the bright colors and numbers roll. Was it fun? Well, we didn't leave "M" until after 2AM. The fever of the sport got to us the rest of our stay in Vegas. The temperature rose to 92 degress, we got thirsty and we drank a lot of water. Now, I guess we'll be making the pilgrimage to Vegas each year to visit our money fo' sure. It's no wonder that a gallon of pure drinking water sells for a buck ninety nine in Vegas.