Coming up NEXT Tuesday, May 29th, Divino Ritmo's FREE social dance at the CUPOLA!
It's Open to the public! The more the merrier!
NEW TIME: 6:30p-9:30p!
Start time is just early enough for you to take advantage of the early pupu specials - put your order in before 7pm for a great assortment of snacking delicious pupus at a discounted price! Food and beverage at the CUPOLA are available for purchase!
CUPOLA is located on the 2nd floor of the Honolulu Design Center @ 1250 Kapiolani!
Shake out those Spring time blues and dive into Summer, rocking your booties to some of the best dance tunes in this town provided by DJ Lucas Jaime and Band maestro Jesse Gonzales!
Invite a friend, singles are welcome, and you don't have to have a partner. Dress is casual, and it's FREE FREE FREE fun & dance!!
For more information contact:
Lucas Jaime, ph: (917) 568-3173;
Yanna Samkova, ph: (732) 499-0407; Yannajs@gmail.com