Admission is FREE and our dance is open to the PUBLIC. Food & drink are available for purchase. Discounted pupus may be ordered by 7:00pm.
A national holiday, Labor Day (officially celebrated on Sep 1st) is said to symbolize the end of summer, and pays tribute to the contribution of American workers who are the backbone of this great Country.
Commemorating laborers of all kinds, and in the spirit of Divino Ritmo's unique brand of fun and entertainment, Lucas & Yanna encourage you to sport your favorite head-wear, be it a top hat, Easter Bonnet, Fedora, cap, sun visor, Sombrero, construction hard hat, race car helmet, hair ornament, toupee or wig, you feel like wearing it, wear it! Anykindahat you want!
Love to dance and socialize? and enjoy moving to all kinds of music? Here's the dance for you to a moveable variety of tunes by DJay Lucas! You get to practice your dancing skills AND have a great time!
See you on the dance floor, hat or no hat, all are welcome!
For more info, contact:
Lucas Jaime (917) 568-3173; divinoritmo@aol.com
Yanna Samkova (732) 499-0407; Yannajs@gmail.com