Saturday, Oct. 5 - Kauai Ballroom Dance Club's 9th Anniversary Ball - Kauai Marriott Resort Hotel / Time: 5:30 pm - 11pm /Cost $55.00 /delicious buffet, exciting exhibitions, and lots of general dancing /For those of you coming in on Oct. 4, the Kauai Ballroom Dance Club will be hosting a get-together for the out-of town-guests at the War Memorial. It's going to be a lot of fun. Come & join us if you have the time. Please see me (Lynn) for the banquet tickets. We have just a few more tickets left. Please let me know if you would like to attend by Sunday, Sept.22. All unsold tickets will be returned on Monday, Sept.23.
Saturday, Oct. 12 - Pan Pacific's Inaugural Ball at the palladium - full ballroom
Cost: $10 bento if purchased in advance/exhibitions and general dancing
Please see Roy Hamasaki, Dance Magic 808 ticket chairperson for tickets
Message from Lynn Nakamura
Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013 - Dance Magic 808's Masquerade Ball/Mock Competition
Full ballroom at the Palladium /Cost: $10 mini-Hawaiian plate (1st 300 tickets purchased in advance). After 300 advance tickets have been sold, the remaining advance tickets that are sold will be served a bento. Serving time from 5pm - 6pm/ Doors open at 6pm for general dancing. You can dress up in your finest wear as this will be a Royal Masquerade Ball. For tickets, please see Dance Magic 808 instructors, Roy Hamasaki, and any officer/board member of Dance Magic 808. Dance Magic 808 is planning it's first Masquerade Ball at the
palladium and we are planning to set it up like a mock competition with
everyone dressed in their dance outfits to compete. It's going to be a lot of
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013
Place: Palladium (full ballroom)
Time: 6pm - 9:30pm
Program starts at 7:45pm
We would like to invite you to participate in our Masquerade
Ball Mock Competition. If you would like to accept our invitation to
participate, please advise Richard Nakamura by email ( or by phone
at 220-8175 or contact me by Wednesday, September 25, 2013. Please advise us on
what dances you will be participating in.
We plan to have 4 Latin and 4 ballroom dances for the mock
competition. The Latin dances are samba, rumba, cha cha and jive. For the
ballroom, we'll have the waltz, , foxtrot, tango, and quickstep. We haven't
decided yet as to what order the dances will be.
We will be issuing comp. tickets to all the
performers so please let us know asap and no later than Sept. 25 since we want
to make sure we set aside the mini Hawaiian plates for our performers.
We hope that you'll be able to join us in this
fun event.
Lynn A. Nakamura
Dance Magic 808
cell 372-2256

(Left click on photo to zoom in)
Thursday, October 31, 2013 - Dance Magic 808's End of Class Halloween Dance
Palladium (stage side) 6:30pm - 9:00pm General Dancing/ Costume Contest
More info forthcoming.