Friday, August 17, 2012

Addiction Routine - Gravity - A SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON of Kayla/Kupono & Cole/Lindsay

Hey guys and gals! If you missed Cole and Lindsay's performance this week on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, and want to compare their performance with the original performance. Then read the e-mail from my good friend Marie and be sure to click on the link below ..............

Cole Horibe, Yanna's student, performed a contemporary piece with 
partner Lindsay to the choreography of Mia Michaels this week. 
The judges called Cole "psychotically mental" and that he has come 
out the TOP of all the dancers this week. This particularly video 
is a side-by-side presentation of the same Mia Michaels routine 
done by Cole this week as compared to the original couple who 
performed the same routine a few seasons ago. Both set of dancers 
did a unique an incredible rendition....they each took ownership of 
the choreography and made it their own! Yanna, Lucas and all the
students of Divino Ritmo are so proud of Cole...... PLEASE stay 
tuned for next Wednesday's So You Think You Can Dance and PLEASE 
VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE for our native son Cole Horibe!
Aloha, Marie

Check out this video on YouTube: